April 30, 2011

Ini...Ini...Mirror image in REALITY !!

So COOL !! Human Mirror !! LOL

Because mirror images are laterally inverted

April 27, 2011

Ini...Ini...flashmob WIN !!

Ini video flashmob kat train station di mane ntah x tau la. But it's frikkin awesome. LOL

Because we love flashmob surprises

April 23, 2011

Ini...Ini...Star Wars FAIL !!

Star Wars episode IV Fail. Stormtrooper hits his head. I swear I never saw that one coming. LOL

Because Storm Trooper FAIL

ini...ini...Spider-man toy FAIL !!

Epic Spiderman Toy FAIL. I dunno what else to say. LOL
P/S: not suitable for minors...hmmm

Because...spider-man FAIL

Ini...Ini...Logo with hidden meaning !!

Here are some interesting logos that have hidden meaning in it.

circus tent looks like a magazine

logo that feels like u wanna press backspace and correct the typo

Bar...get it?

belt in the shape of a question mark

the "B" is a bird

coffee steam is a cursor

arrow from A to Z symbolizes what amazon's known for selling everything from "a to z"
It also serves as a smile.

The space around the aeroplane forms the letters C and D

The space inside the "e" forms an elephant trunk

Empty space in the middle forms the number "1" for "Formula 1"

The i,l and i forms a family

provocative logo related to nazis and racisms

The space between E and x forms an arrow to show the company's precision and speed

The hanger looks like a duck

The space between her arm and leg forms the Australian continent

Because a logo symbolizes the company

April 19, 2011

Ini...Ini...Genius !!

Ini terbaik lah !! klaw wat kat Malaysia leh x? LOL. The best way to beat Traffic Jam I guess.

Because Traffic Jams are pain in the ass

April 18, 2011

Ini...Ini...Must watch parody of Justin Bieber !!

Penah tgk vid by nigahiga tak kat YouTube? vid die best gak. Ade yg x leh blah. Ini video parody Justin Bieber by him called "Daily Life of Rustin Hieber". Enjoy !!

Because I am not a fan of Justin Bieber

April 13, 2011

Ini...Ini...Pics Photoshop Yg Dahsyat !!

Ini pics yg senggama minda btol. Sume pics ni di "Photoshopped" klaw x silap. These photos shows the "Dark Side" of photoshop. Why? Because some of these pics are just plain scary. HUH !!

Because photoshops can do anything

April 12, 2011

Ini...Ini...Time-Warp !!

High Speed Cameras. Teknologi skang ni dh cukup maju utk tngkp gmbr setiap detik dlm sesuatu keadaan. Some high speed cameras can even record up to 20,000 frames per second. WOW.

Because time is gold